I was curious to see how integer
overflow, truncation and type conversion behavior manifested itself
in Haskell programs. I also wanted to see what type of warnings were
produced and what was allowed or not. Whether it was possible to to detect it. Yes, these are the type of
things I think about.
The reference I always go back to when
auditing C code for these issues, is Mark Dowd's The Art of
Software Security Assessments, specifically chapter 6. Take a look at
While you're there that whole website is full of great material from
a number of excellent courses.
So, let's take a look at the following
haskell integer datatypes.
Word(x): Unsigned integer, bounded
Int(x): Signed integer, bounded.
Integer: Signed integer, unbounded.
(x) refers to size specifiers for Word
and Int size (8/16/32/64)
The system used was:
Linux ubuntu 3.2.0-29-generic
#46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64
GHCi, version 7.4.1
We will look at a few examples in the following areas:
- Basic Representation
- Truncation
- Arithmetic Overflow
- Basic Type Conversion
- Type Conversions in Operations
- Rotate signed extensions
- Basic Representation
- Truncation
- Arithmetic Overflow
- Basic Type Conversion
- Type Conversions in Operations
- Rotate signed extensions
Focusing primarily on the Int and
Word types, as Integer is supposed to be signed and unbounded.
Basic Representation
Beginning with a few basic assignments
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> 1000 :: Int16
1000Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> 1000 :: Word16
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> -1000 :: Int16
(which is 1111101000)
Consider the Unsigned Word8 type with a range of [0,255]
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> let a=254::Word8
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> a
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> let a=256::Word8
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> a
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> let a=257::Word8
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> a
One interesting thing is the interpreter doesn't complain about assigning a negative number to a unsigned type.
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> let a = -100 :: Word8
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> :t a
a :: Word8
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> a
Where does the 156 come from? Well the 2's complete representation of -100 is 10011100 which when treated as unsigned binary number is 156. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two's_complement)
Now I looked for a means to detect if a overflow or out-of-range assignment had occurred but I could not find a mechanism in the exception handling or other documents. One reference stated that overflows are considered programmer errors and are up to the programmer to detect/correct (http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Error_vs._Exception). If there is a mechanism please do let me know.
Or something like some of the C techniques to programmatically check.
Next the signed
Int8 type with a range of [-128 127] is assigned a value which is too large.
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> 1000 :: Int8
11101000 = 232
The value is simply truncated to the
lower 8 bits and displayed
Prelude Data.Word Data.Int> 1000 :: Int8
11101000 (Treated as Two's Complement) = -24
In this case the
value is truncated to the lower 8 bits and rendered as a two's
Arithmetic Overflow
Now for a simple case integer addition
Data.Word Data.Int> let b = 1 :: Int8
Data.Word Data.Int> let c = 127 :: Int8
Data.Word Data.Int> let d = b + c
Data.Word Data.Int> d
Data.Word Data.Int> :t d
:: Int8
What I found interesting is that the
Int8 type was propagated to the result regardless of the overflow.
Data.Word Data.Int> let a= -128 :: Int8
Data.Word Data.Int> let b= -1 :: Int8
Data.Word Data.Int> let c = a + b
Data.Word Data.Int> :t c
:: Int8
Data.Word Data.Int> c
And now with Word8
[0 255], we see the type is propagated and the value wraps.
Data.Word Data.Int> let a = 5 :: Word8
Data.Word Data.Int> let b = 255 :: Word8
Data.Word Data.Int> let c = a + b
Data.Word Data.Int> c
Data.Word Data.Int> :t c
:: Word8
In a later post will
take a look at sign extensions in shift / rotations, type conversions
(with to/fromIntegral) and greater examination of the Integer type.
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